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Wednesday, June 20, 2018



· 顾问和教练:提供建议,指导和反馈; 分享自己的经验和专业知识; 担任理念和行动计划的征询对象

· 推动者和支持者:鼓励尝试新事物并提供援助; 帮助被指导者走出舒适区; 庆祝成功; 当事情没有按计划进行时给予被指导者辅导

· 资源和建议:指出可以在个人发展和成长上帮助被指导者的资源,例如推荐书籍、研讨会或其它学习的工具; 鼓励被指导者加入社交组织或介绍新的联系人给他们

· 故意唱反调者和“真言者”:给予被指导者难以接受但又能促进自我提升的负面反馈; 推动被指导者在适当的时候冒险; 帮助被指导者考虑并衡量决策和行动所可能导致的后果以避开隐患和可预料的意外。


· 确定初始学习目标和衡量其合作关系是否成功的指标

· 广纳建言并寻求反馈

· 主动参与自己的学习过程并协助推动这一进程

· 安排与导师进行对话的时间并且踊跃出席

· 履行承诺并且在实现职业和发展目标时明智地尝试新的选项和行为




Morag Barrett is the author of the best-selling book “Cultivate. The Power of Winning Relationships.” She is also the founder and CEO of SkyeTeam, and dedicated to helping individuals, teams and organizations achieve extraordinary business results through leadership development and human resources management. Morag’s experience ranges from senior executive coaching to developing high potential individuals and teams, as well as working with FTSE 100 and Fortune 100 organizations. She is a highly effective speaker, trainer and coach for new managers and seasoned executives alike.

Prior to founding SkyeTeam, Morag held leadership positions at Level 3 Communications, and NatWest Bank where she advised international organizations on their corporate strategy and growth plans. Originally from the UK, she has experience with a wide range of cultures and businesses developing high potential individuals and teams across the United States, Europe and Asia. Morag brings more than 25 years of industry experience and a deep understanding of the complexities of running a business and leading executive teams.

Morag holds a master’s degree in Human Resource Management from De Montfort University, UK and received the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) designation. She is also a recognized business coach for the Corporate Coach University and is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the UK. When not at work Morag can be found sailing with her husband and three sons, playing the Bassoon for the Broomfield Symphony Orchestra, or Ballroom dancing!
